The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Canada is proud to hold a symposium to commemorate the 'Life of Holy Prophet' (Peace and Blessings of Allah on him) on December 15 at 6:00 pm at Woodbine Banquet Hall.
This day is celebrated every year within the Muslim communities all over the world, to remember his teachings and commandments, by remembring various aspects of his own life and conduct. The Holy Quran (33:22) states “Verily, you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who fears Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah much”.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, an emodiment of the benevolnet message of Islam – peace. Ahmadiyya community is getting together, with other communites, to take this message of peace across to the world, as Karen Armstrong says, “As a paradigmatic personality, Muhammad has important lessons, not only Muslims but also for Western People. His life was a Jihad; this word does not mean 'holy war'; it means 'struggle'. Muhammad literally sweated with the effort to bring peace to war-torn Arabia, and we need people who are prepared to do this today. His life was a tireless campaign against greed, injustice, and arrogance. He realized that Arabia was at a turning point and that the old way of thinking would no longer suffice, so he wore himself out in the creative effort to evolve an entirely new solution”.
The program is marked with three speaches on the various aspects of Holy Prohet’s life by Mr. , Mr. Lal Khan Malik – President, and Mr. Naseem Mahdi – Missionar Incharge, of Ahmadiyya Community, Canada. The program will end at 9:00 pm with dinner. Admisson is free for public.
Members of the press are invited to attend and pread the message of peace and harmony as conveyed by the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).